112, rue Garibaldi
69006 LYON
Tél.fixe :
Fax :

  Company law :

- Establishment of legal structures (trade companies, partnerships, associations...),
- Negociations and advice on reorganisations (mergers, company acquisition, optimisation of tax and legal structures),
- Legal audits for acquisitions and establishment of schemes and contract documents for negociations (draft agreements, 
   warranties and representation...),
- Complex set ups for companies and inter company agreements (joint ventures, holding...),
- Bankruptcy and corporate reorganisation.

   Corporate tax law :  

     - Advice and assistance with all french taxation matters : corporate income tax, VAT, registration taxes, local taxes,

     - Assistance with tax audits and ligation.


 International taxation :

     - Advisory service for international tax planning : structure of share-holdings and financial flows within a group, transfer pricing policies...


 Labour law and social law :

     - Internal labour law (individual and collective labour relations, social repercussions of company mergers, reorganisations),

     - Retirment schemes and social security regimes,

     - Setting up employee profit sharing schemes,

     - Assistance with French Social Security audits.


 Trade law and economic law :

     - Organisation and implementation of distribution networks (franchising, sales agents...),

     - French and european anti-trust law,

     - Computer product contracts, intellectual property, trademarks and patent,

     - Law adapted to company financial reorganisations,

     - Leases and business property.


 Insurance law


 Litigation and arbitration :

     - Defense and representation in all courts of civil, trade, social security and administrative law,

     - Participation either as arbitrator or as attorney in artibral tribunals.


 Capital markets and corporate financing :

     - Preparation of company structures for stock exchange quotation,

     - Bids,

     - Legal and tax aspect of corporate financing (equity, securitisation and defeasance operations...),

     - collective and venture capital vehicles,

     - Assistance to financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, retirements funds, stock brokerage companies) in tax management.


 Individual taxation and expatriate services :

     - Tax advisory assistance to French residents on income and wealth taxation,

     - Tax advisory assistance to expatriates, whether French or foreign nationales, for their transfer to and from France.


 Real estate law and taxation :

- Optimization of legal and tax structures for French and foreign real estate projects,
- Definition and implementation of legal structures for special real estate projects, 
- Financial planning (wealth and estate management).


112, rue Garibaldi 69006 LYON Tél.fixe : Fax :
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